PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC)
Use our free AI roleplay tool to practice common PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) behavioral interview questions. The AI will ask you a question and help you develop answers using the STAR Method. Press start to begin the next recommended question.
Questions take 3-5 minutes to complete, and can be paused and resumed whenever.
Interview question list updated: September 19, 2024
Start with these three questions to get going:
Can you describe a time when you had to analyze a large amount of data to identify a business trend? How did you ensure your analysis was accurate?
PwC places a strong emphasis on fostering a collaborative working environment. Can you describe a situation where you had to work with a diverse team to complete a project successfully?
Tell us about a time when you had to meet tight deadlines while managing multiple tasks. How did you prioritize and ensure the quality of your work?
Complete the next five questions to be well prepared:
Describe an instance when you provided exceptional client service. How did you assess and respond to the client's needs?
PwC is known for its commitment to innovation. Can you give an example of a time when you introduced a new approach or tool that improved a process or outcome?
Have you ever faced an ethical dilemma in your professional life? How did you handle it, and what was the outcome?
Can you share a situation where you had to explain complex information to someone who was not familiar with the subject? How did you ensure they understood?
Integrity is one of PwC’s core values. Describe a time when you took a stand for what you believed was right despite facing opposition.
Tackle these remaining questions for thorough preparation:
Have you ever encountered a particularly challenging problem at work? How did you approach solving it, and what was the result?
PwC emphasizes lifelong learning and development. Can you provide an example of how you have proactively sought to develop your skills or knowledge in the past?