Company Name
Lockheed Martin
Use our free AI roleplay tool to practice common Lockheed Martin behavioral interview questions. The AI will ask you a question and help you develop answers using the STAR Method. Press start to begin the next recommended question.
Questions take 3-5 minutes to complete, and can be paused and resumed whenever.
Interview question list updated: September 19, 2024
Start with these three questions to get going:
Can you describe a time when you had to manage a complex project involving multiple stakeholders? How did you ensure successful delivery?
Tell me about a situation where you demonstrated innovative thinking to solve a problem. How did it benefit your previous organization?
How do you approach working with cross-functional teams to ensure everyone is aligned and working toward a common goal?
Complete the next five questions to be well prepared:
Lockheed Martin places a strong emphasis on ethics and integrity. Can you provide an example of a time when you had to make a tough ethical decision at work?
Describe a situation where you led a team during a challenging project. What strategies did you use to keep the team motivated and on track?
At Lockheed Martin, we deal with highly confidential and sensitive information. Can you give an example of how you’ve handled sensitive information in the past?
Can you talk about a time when you faced a significant technical challenge and how you overcame it?
Describe an instance where you had to adapt quickly to changes in project requirements or deadlines. How did you manage the situation?
Tackle these remaining questions for thorough preparation:
We highly value customer satisfaction. Can you give an example where you successfully managed client expectations and delivered exceptional service?
Discuss a time when you had to take the initiative to address a problem or capitalize on an opportunity in the workplace. What was the outcome?